

The wooden hut was leaking, as it had been for the last three days. Morkaj knew he had to re-thatch the roof, but the fire-watching every night was taking its toll on him. The monsters beyond the edge of the village were getting bolder with every passing cycle of the moon. The warriors had told Morkaj that he needed to make the fire brighter to keep away the monsters. The wood-cutters weren't bringing in enough wood to support the fire though. Every time the wood-cutters would go to chop wood, another one would be killed by a monster. Morkaj feels the village dying, slowly. He took the fire-watching position so he could be alone during the night and gather his thoughts. Soon, he would have to leave this village, and being disconnected from the other villagers would make it easier to ransack their food and weapons.

Three more cycles of the moon pass. Morkaj has accumulated enough dried meat, arrrows, spearheads, and water-skins to last him for one solar cycle. As the sun begins to set, Morkaj gathers his supplies and sits down in front of the fire to watch it until the sun has completely set and his eyes have adjusted. The sun has completely set. Morkaj picks up his animal-skin bag full of supplies, takes a long look at the dying village that gave him his life, and walks away into the wilderness.

A wild cat eats Morkaj the very night he walks away from the village.
The monsters overrun the village and eat every man, woman, and child.