

Cold day, shadows grow long early, crop harvest soon:

The lady with the water hasn't come by yet. She usually comes by this time of year. If she doesn't come soon, we're all going to die from lack of water.

My name is Santerik, and my village is small. There's my family, and two other families. We live on the remains of an "overpass" as my mother's mother called it. I don't see it passing over anything, but many words are like this. I don't accept this. Words can't just change like that. My father's brother told me I shouldn't think like this, but that doesn't make any sense. Should, shouldn't. Those words are devoid of meaning. If something is, it is. If something isn't, it isn't. How things should or shouldn't be are meaningless.

There is water all around us, but it is glowing poison. I drank from the lake once when I was small, and the vomiting didn't stop until my father gave me the old medicine. I don't understand how it could do that. I don't understand how the water could make me vomit, and I don't understand how the medicine could fix me. My father's mother told me 'some things are best left unknown'. I think she is wrong.

Warm day, shadows grow long early, crop harvest today:

The lady came by a few days ago. She didn't have as much water as she did last year. She said the source was growing drier. I hope we don't all die. We can use the poison water on the crops and they turn out fine, but we can't drink it day to day. There aren't as many crops this year as there were last year. I hope we can all stay fed.

Freezing day, shadows stay long, games being played:

Today was great. My brother won the winter festival games! He let me have some of the candy. He's a great older brother. Two more people died today, though. Lazarus and Marcurio. They were good friends, but, like dad said, "we gotta eat, honey." I don't know what he meant by that. Mom won't let me help with the cooking yet. I have to stay inside while the adult women cook. They look like they wanna cry every time they see me eat. I'm not fat. Why do they look at me like that?

Cool day, shadows growing shorter, crops being planted:

My family is the only family left. The winter seemed longer than usual this year. My mom and dad, and my mom's brother, and my dad's sister, are the only adults left. As for the kids, there's me, my brother, my dad's sister's son, and my mom's brother's daughter. My dad said everyone else ran away, but I can't help but wonder how come everyone but my family ran away. Did we eat them? I asked mom that and she told me to shut up and not to ask questions like that. I think that means we did eat them.

Hot day, no shadows, village being attacked:

There is a stranger in our village today. He says he knows what we all did, and that he's come to put a stop to us. My dad shot him.

I was shocked, but I knew it was the right thing to do. My dad is always right. Then, my mom told me it was time for me to learn the family recipe.